September 06, 2011

Uyirkaltan plants /

Uyirkaltan plants /

Dear Friend plants uyirkaltan explain the roots and snatched should not eat. Plants in the vegetable fruit, herbs, these things eat, it's life killing, not like what if. Our body and the nakama, hair and they cut our sorrow is not that sort of plants parippat life murder, but,It is not eaten alive by it aima vitait giants Next grains, soil, water gained, air, space life cerumpotutan one of these.
Next we create a life that could not ruin it for us was not right. If, despite our natural conviction that there is no natural law. That's the sorrow of grief, fear and fear leads to death, the biggest punishment for us.

Across several million years of human births pokkisamakum large. It fights to save the main function of the paired kapparruvom shore.
Katirvelu with love

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