May 22, 2010

Welcome to the great light of wisdom!

Arutperunjothi Arutperunjothi
Thanipperungarunai Arutperunjothi

You are now at the door of the great light of wisdom, "Arutperunjothi". From now on, if you continue reading this blog, you can discover the great secrets revealed by Vallalar.

     He is a messenger sent by God who has won death and mingled to His grace after a spiritual enlightenment. And, he is the man who unleashed all the secrets of the universe. He has authored the book "Thiru Arutpa" (Aaraam Thirumurai) in which he has written the codes of God, souls, living creatures and the universe that have never been told before.

The Great Chanting:
    "Arutperunjothi" is the divine phrase which splits Arul (Wisdom), Perum (Great) and Jothi (Light) which means the great light of wisdom. And this, the light, is responsible to govern the whole universe. It is the source of all the atoms that exists in the space.

     "Thanipperungarunai" is another divine phrase which splits Thani (Seperate), Perum (Great) and Karunai (Grace) which means the only great grace.

      Both phrases, if combined, will bring up what is known as "Maha Mantram" (The great Chanting). They give a sacramental meaning as "The great light of wisdom which is the only great grace".

      Listen to this Maha Mantram quite often and you can reach a real delight in life!