September 14, 2011

Religion, caste, religion cattiram. Everything is a lie!

Religion, caste, religion cattiram. Everything is a lie!
The industry needed a man for life. Business man who has been named. Business will grow when the growth occurred. Subject Earning High Caste and. Means less people, meaning without the lower caste and set the left. Us about the speakers. All the Caste say, others work only ulaikkamal, living way out decided to settle. Everything God Placed I put the blame on fate katavulmel, made fools of people.
Bible Testament, legendary epic cattiram such restrictions, the stories build, the population spread. The people in ignorance and deceived. God, - Veda, akamat the myth cattirat told that the people till date trick coming. This is a meeting in India is full it is.
But today's youth. Scientists. Science researchers. Waking him. Any scientific fact to explain, but now people can not cheat. Caste, religion, religious, cattiram all lies lies. Fellow human caste religion religious cattiram as a separate placing large patakaca offense, robbery, meeting processes. Rogue function of liars. . Caste, religion, religious, Vallalar cattirankalai says everything must pitaikka dig trenches.
God only group myself. Arutperum God himself entity torch! Lord. All of his children. We do not want any strangers.
I anmaneyan - katirvelu.

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