July 17, 2011


தமிழ் மொழியிலிருந்து ஆங்கிலம் மொழிக்கான மொழிபெயர்ப்பு — Alpha

One of the reasons that in our body and mind. Antakaranankal What If?
Our body senses eye, ear, nose, mouth, genuinely mean well and they do an internal buy it that causes that. Avaikal heart, mind, citta, Haughty, ullama, this shape is not. Efficient atomic waves that act, in which the mind is important, eye care செயல்படுவதெல்லாம் first manatiltan record. mind recording in mind, too, Haughty, ullama such as the nuclear wave them away from the site will send. sent nuclear wave resonance in the life-flow, where the right spirit, the light is sent. all of a second function takes place.
Relations between nuclear and wind are alaikalana mind. Manamakum combines air + space. Therefore, the simulator serves as the mind and the female figure. Vallalar they do this
Male and female physical mind and physical knowledgeArutperumjoti annura sets!
He says. Manattirku have energy and strength to recover is to die. Manma life was like.
Attamal mind just says so well Vallalar irupatuvePatuttuvate anmikamakum a state of mind. Spiritual path. It includes constrained by the breath within us. Cuvacakkalai cittikka siddhis that position, one minute all the qualities of mind Vallalar obtained by atankin. Vallalar says.
Relationship between the mind and senses; -
--- Knowledge of the male mind and the nature of woman.--- A dark heart of a lamp of knowledgePerceived knowledge about the mind --- cancalappatu,Civat faculty of pure intellect - the mind powers of the faculty,--- Turavaram knowledge illaram heart,Jiva irakkame mortal mind --- irakkame knowledge,--- Seated knowledge of foot lifted his foot,--- Mind body component element of knowledge and life,--- Spiritual knowledge outside observer, heat and air,--- Female Male prejudice and prejudice to the right the left,--- Manattinmaiye anmaiye powers of knowledge,Photo nokkamai piran Land - Solid knowledge of the mind by tinmaiyan.
If knowledge atankin peranantam unyakum mind. Therefore, the knowledge of knowledge does not mind that I realize pokkellam. Manattaica we pay in the path of knowledge.These are the figures for male and female connatalla, common to everyone.
Vallalar one song; -
Moment the mind is katutta mattate yatakkiyoruAccording to my knowledge in many small kurramelam nalunaExcept that the barrier blocking the Elixir nalancey SagaKotuppene able to reciprocate to nintan Guru!
Vallalar says. Mind calming way to know the grace of God conquered death and live with joy.
The anmaneyan - katirvelu.

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