February 12, 2012

The world is God's truth?

samarasa suddha sanmargha saththiya gnana sapai !

The world is God's truth?

Mediation Board of the Clean canmarkka Wisdom Truth!

People all around the world, worshiping false gods are destroyed. No one who saw God there is no truth to the world. Saw vintatillai, meteorite that had never deceived him with false ideas have deceived the people
So if God can see they drew arutpirakaca Vallalar is found. Fully able to see God's grace, she says.
Accept the discipline of law and grace of a natural person if they live with nectar oozing from our soul, without a complete ban on the nectar of spring and spread throughout the body, the body becomes a disability only light well see the truth of God that they vallalargroups kantavartan
. True God, because of the continent'' s arutperumjoti! Arutperumjoti! Single mercy! Arutperumjoti! That has kept the world with the grace of God tanipa arutperum torch is that the driver has to make clear to the world's population is
Express it in Tamil Nadu in Cuddalore District vatalur the city arutperum torch for the'' compromise Cleaner canmarkka Truth Wisdom Council'''re lucky. All the world share a common truth god arutperum torch icon to display torch on the embankment lamp keeps the truth of God is the Lord's appearance, how is it that when a Everyone should understand that the way ..
God is God of all living things and facts of the sole nation's why the spirit oliye
They knew that life is here uyirul emmulCivame paravuka since uyirnalam real!
Elam general picture of life in the ulam nokkukaLeave ceyirelam enaca ceppiya civame!
Code yenap neriye kill kuruvarulI civame meissner pakarnta bulk!
Hazard to life in the realm of urum elamaDiscard up and leave you Happy!
That is made clear that the crop withered kantapotellam Vallalar said they watched. Live with the real world people are realizing the truth of God.

aanmaneyam kathirvelu you
Suggested katirvelu anmaneyan.

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