February 25, 2012

I knew vallalar groups!

I knew vallalargroups!
Mediation Board of the Clean canmarkka Wisdom Truth!
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Mediation Board of the Clean canmarkka vatalur Wisdom Truth!
The golden sun is up in olippattu vatalur trowel arutperumjoti the'' Lord Wisdom'' cinkatana faculty Truth shines nanacapai alakaiye is wearing clothes.
Clean canmarkka tarumaccalaiyum compromise with Truth, offering rice to hungry atcaya auspicious appearance in character as well.
'' Truth'' vatalur Wisdom Council to sustain the beautiful ornamental characters, bend from the beginning of my internal display of ..
Chidambaram's wisdom, in charge do not ampalam - natarajapperuman atukinrar a dance from revelations.
Knowledge of the Truth in this vatalur uttaranana here arutperumjoti natattaracar the eight ampalam dance is without difficulty.
Its definition - octagonal in shape! Surrounding it, where eight aspects arutperumjoti terintita ampalam elilura ilankukiratu darshan. Nanacapaiyai flying around the beautiful view of expanding the peruveli beaming.
Taippuca day eight millions of people through the revelations of arutperumjoti, a wonderful display of wisdom, and eye cinkatana clay pedestal and take in the scene. It will sound great magic
'' Arutperumjoti arutperumjoti
Tanipperunkarunai arutperumjoti! ''
Is ..
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Clean canmarkka compromise vatalur tarumaccalai Truth!
Worship the true God to provide food to the hungry, the highest practical steps to establish a Truth tarumaccalaiyakum pattatutan. Here, caste, religion, religion, ethnicity, language, country, food is provided without any difference ..
In the middle of the center of tarumaccalai - tiruarut Vallalar fluorescent light in the midst of floods have been displayed as Mr. mommai metaphor trowel.
Worship is going on!Sound ecstatic recitation. !
Next grain bills; - its near Vallalar jivakarunayam Lord of the billboards carrying the golden language is mattappattu wall.
Tataipatamal feed the walk on the road, and things - money and wise by providing the least, sympathetic mass of the philanthropist is a list of names.
Next tarumaccalaikkul Vallalar Lord by his tirukkarat muttiya a stove fire, from which the fire is happening .. analala cooking jobs pacika stigma of poor burning of hunger, stomach hunger, played glow of the fire which is lit Vallalar Lord.
In order to sit there and started to feel hungry all jivarkal nekilavaikkiratu unkinra display chest.
Next, the Vallalar tarumaccalai portrait of Mr. - Mr. lights shown on the left side to him.
If his tirukkarat vallalperuman 1867, mounted in tipaccutarakum.
There is a glass box on the right Vallalar uruvappatattirku Mr. Lord. If he had written in one night tirukkarat the vallalperuman,'' 1596'' arutperumjoti akaval, {an} are the lines of the manuscript.
Nanacapaiyai surrounding circumstances; -People's lives -Canmarkkikal built several monasteries in the Annadhana -Nanacapai, tarumaccalai, vatalur explain about. .. --- It is
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