August 12, 2011

This is the only way to decrease the temperature of the destruction of the world naccukirumikal!

This is the only way to decrease the temperature of the destruction of the world naccukirumikal!
Hello Dear Platonic
Antaceyal said that instead of vegetation and life in the jivaracikalana, fish, goat, cow, chicken, pork, such as the organisms to destroy the hosts, which is totally incorrect. The uyirnankal the uyirttanmai most powerful serves. Every life energy crore hot is it and destroying its hot everywhere expanding patarntu veppamakiratu. any science, research ceyavatillai ariyaviyalum. This is true even if the world temperature is reached.
They are eating meat and the meat to kill the man next uyirnankkalai completely incorrect. Putakariya putrid meat loss of cells. Unnuma it by eating it that a man had a stench in the air with the stench naccukirumaikal spreads were collected. Atum achieve the etiology of the world is warming.
If you do not wish anything bad diet and eating putakariya Cleaner tavarankkalai man eating plant food for humans do not have any diseases. Tavarukalaltan world, whereas human viruses spread in the heat reaches the world.
The world of the mute surviving species kollamalum its meat unnamalum if the temperature decreases. Viruses can not be transmitted, the World Science Science. Psychology research to do. The UN Board to consider. A man to live human animals have a valamal plants that live must. Live like the world's temperature is reduced by palakin. The world will be destroyed after the virus.Your anmaneyan - katirvelu.

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