September 17, 2012

Where is the knowledge?

Where is the knowledge?

It is in our soul, our body is in the four knowledge. Sensuous knowledge - knowledge of acrobatic prowess, - living knowledge, - spiritual knowledge. Sensuous the eye - ear - nose - mouth - well, they know the sensu

ous knowledge, causes the heart - mind - citta - pride, they know the acrobatic prowess of knowledge, the knowledge of life and living the life of knowledge, spiritual knowledge is to know the soul of the inner light.

Which is the true knowledge, true thee in spirit intimately. Sages know it. We are going after the saints.

Our heads in the component corner in the middle of a vattampe a wheel around is with.'s The spirit that is Light., Where the real knowledge of the expression has the potential. It constantly tries to contact the real knowledge emerge. Our own body movement capacity {power} there is.

Intiriyam - tumble -, Jeevan -, spiritual light totarpinaltan functions contains. The control of the soul totapu if the knowledge of the place, running the place to know. Mental senses, soul control, the false path that leads. Spiritual knowledge is constrained by the actual path leads. I know that the way to true spiritual knowledge, if you can live with happily. actually live with the knowledge that we will know.

Unity is aware that the Platonic soul of integrity. Someone who understood that unity can also learn the facts. Thee the truth.
Anmikamakum to know the true soul!

Platonic love, your friend; - katirvelu

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